Tell our Politicians to take the Patients Over Profits Pledge.

The Pledge calls on politicians to reject campaign contributions from the executives, lobbyists, and PACs affiliated with the corporate health care industry, including private insurers, pharma corporations, and private hospitals who are organizing to take over our health care system. The pledge is supported by a broad coalition of organizations dedicated to working on health care justice.
The Pledge
Patients Over Profits
“CEOs and lobbyists for Big Pharma, corporate insurers, and private hospitals have formed a front group called Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future that wants to exploit our health care system to make money off of keeping us sick.Politicians: Take the Pledge
I pledge to put patients over profits and not take contributions over $200 from the executives, lobbyists, and PACs affiliated with the corporate health care industry, including private insurers, pharma corporations, and private hospitals who are organizing to take over our health care system.”

Why Take the Pledge?
The corporate health care industry causes harm to patients every day in the endless pursuit of profits. Those same corporations use their billions in profits to unduly influence politicians and candidates running for office in order to prevent any significant reforms from progressing. Our organizations are urging our elected officials and those seeking office to cut ties with these organizations and corporations that bankroll the efforts to prevent any health care reform.
Politicians and candidates of all levels are welcome and encouraged to sign the “Patients Over Profits” Pledge, provided they agree to the requirements and complete the steps for signing. We’re calling on you - stand with patients and sign the pledge!
Politicians: Take the PledgeOrganizations who have endorsed the pledge:
- Campaign for New York Health
- The Center for Popular Democracy
- Medicare for All Now!
- Labor Campaign for Single Payer
- United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America
- National Nurses United
- Partners for Dignity and Rights
- Healthcare Now!
- Progressive Democrats of America
- Democratic Socialists Of America
- Business for Medicare for All
- American Medical Student Association
- People's Action
- Public Citizen
- Social Security Works
- Be A Hero
- Maryland Public Health Coalition
- Health Care for All Los Angeles
- Right Care Alliance
- M4A
- Whole Washington
- Medicare for All Florida